On-page SEO - An Advanced Guide To Rank on Google

In this topic, we will unveil the main optimization factors linked to your pages, which should be part of your on-page SEO strategy.

Remember that On-page factors refer to what the administrator can optimize on their own pages to improve the visitor experience and make the site easier for Google to read.

These optimizations must be integrated into the Content Marketing strategy since most of them are made on the content that is published on the website or blog.

Understand now what are the main factors of On-page SEO:

User Intent

SEO is not about what people are looking for, but what they want to find. 

Therefore, on-page optimizations should focus on the user's search intent, which varies with each search, so that your pages and content match what he wants to find.

That's what Google focuses on to deliver what the user wants. The processing of natural language and the analysis of the user's location, for example, are elements that help to decipher this intention.

So, the challenge for an on-page SEO and Content Marketing strategy is to understand search intentions, as Google does, to deliver what users want.

And the best way to understand user intent is to go to Google itself!

Let's understand it better with some examples:

After keyword research, you should search Google to see which results are in the top spots.

After all, these are the pages that Google thinks are responding best to user intent.

Content Size

Content size often has an impact on ranking, although it is not a direct ranking factor for the algorithm.

Longer content tends to be more complete, detailed, and in-depth and, thus, better able to answer users' questions. 

But of course, there is no rule: for each theme and for each persona, the ideal size can vary.

Here at Rock, for example, we have super complete posts, like this one about advertising. 

It is a comprehensive keyword, with a lot of competition and search volume, which requires extremely complete content. 

A post about blocked action on Instagram, on the other hand, is much more specific, with fewer searches and competition and, therefore, it can be shorter and more direct.

Therefore, the best size is the one that best answers the user's question.

Post Volume

Post volume also tends to favor placement. After all, the more content you publish, the more chances you have to rank

However, you can't just think about the number of posts, ok? It is necessary to combine quality and frequency.

There's no point in publishing hundreds of content that aren't relevant and don't answer users' questions — that would be a shot in the foot. Posting several posts at the beginning of a blog and then leaving it idle doesn't work either. 

It is necessary to maintain the frequency of publications to retain the public and show Google that you always have new and updated content.

However, there is no ideal post volume or frequency. You need to identify what your theme and persona demand, in addition to evaluating your business' content production capacity. 

Remember that the most important thing is that quantity and quality go hand in hand!

Writing for SEO

And when writing content, what do you need to do? 

The top priority is quality. The content needs to be correct, clear, up-to-date, relevant, reliable and, of course, need to respond to the user's intent

This is what guarantees good signs of engagement on the page and increases the chances of receiving backlinks — factors that weigh heavily on rankings.

Although Google increasingly values ​​and understands natural writing, there are also some strategies for optimizing the content so that it reaches better positions and, at the same time, favors the reader's experience. 

Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the scanability and semantics of texts.


Scalability is the ability of a text to provide dynamic reading through resources such as intertitles, lists, bold, and images.

Have you ever opened a post with a huge block of text that you didn't feel like reading and had the page close? 

That's why making text scannable is so important.

This improves the reading experience, engages the user, and even transmits information to Google

When creating intertitles, for example, both the reader and the robot can understand the hierarchy of your text.

Use of Keywords and Semantics

The use of keywords in content is important for Google to correctly index your page for the terms you want. 

We're not saying, however, that you have to push the envelope to repeat a word all the time, okay?

Remember that Google already understands human language and no longer focuses on exact keyword matching.

That's why semantics are so important in SEO

This means that you should explore the term's semantic field with its variations, synonyms, and relationships to other words. Thus, you make reading more pleasant and even easier for Google to understand the topic of your page.

Title Tag

The title of the page you see on SERP, in the browser tab, and in sharing links on social media is called a Title Tag. 

The Tag Title is fundamental for Google bots, who will understand the main theme of the content, and for users.

After all, the title is the reader's first contact with the text, which can make them click on the link or not. By directly influencing your click-through rate, this tag is one of the most important on-page factors.

Therefore, in the SEO strategy, this tag must include your keyword but also be attractive to encourage the user to click and take them to your page.

Meta Description

The meta description is the description of the page's content that appears in the search results, within the snippet that also includes the page's title and URL.

It also works as an attraction for the user to click on the link and access the page, so it must be persuasive and descriptive about what he will find there.

However, the meta description is not a direct ranking factor, that is, Google does not consider this description for ranking. 

Even so, it is important that the keyword appears there, as it is bold when it matches the terms the user searched for. 

Thus, the meta description attracts more clicks, indirectly influencing your results.

Heading Tags

The track page URLs to understand their central focus, as they bring terms that summarize the page's theme.

A descriptive URL is much more understandable — not just for the robot, but also for the user. 

Let's go to some good practices:

• Be easily interpretable;

• Short and friendly;

• Contain the keyword;

• Combined with the title;

• Avoid articles, linking verbs, and other add-ons.

And some examples of good URLs:



”name of the site/courses”

SEO Images

Google still doesn't fully understand what an image says. To understand what they represent, he needs your help. And how can you help him? 

With image optimization for SEO.

This strategy serves to provide data in text form about the images. We are talking about alternative text (alt tag), file name, image caption, image URL, and context (words in their surroundings). 

Most important here is the alt text, which is critical to the visually impaired experience as the screen reader reads the alt text to the user.

Therefore, the alt text should always be a description of the image and, whenever possible, contain the keyword.

All these elements make Google understand what the image displays, index it for Google Images search and make it another source of traffic.

Optimization of images for SEO also includes some care with the size and format of the file, so that they are quickly loaded and indexed.

Internal link

Your site's internal link network is also part of on-page SEO strategies. 

Creating links between internal pages has a primary function: guiding navigation and directing the user (and search engines) to other content that may interest him.

But they also play a technical role in SEO. The internal link network helps Google find your content and better understand your site, as it shows the hierarchy between pages

For example, the closer you are to the home and the more internal links you receive, the more important the page will be. 

We link, in addition to our most relevant blogs and pages, to some of the most relevant blog content directly from the home page of our site.

This is how a topic cluster strategy works.

Rich Snippets

Rich Snippets are snippets of page content that provide additional information about the page on the SERP. We are talking about sitelinks, ratings, number of comments, product prices, among others.

Rich snippets bring extra information about your pages to robots and users and highlight your link on SERP, which tends to increase your clickthrough rate (CTR).

To display them, they need to be configured with structured data, which have the function of organizing their contents to make Google robots easier to read. 

This can be done by programmers or even through plugins, in the case of WordPress sites

There are two sites that can help you implement these rich snippets.

The first one is Google itself, which presents a list of Rich Snippets, you identify any to use and they teach you the code you need to use.

Featured Snippets

Have you ever noticed that Google brings ready-made answers on SERP for some searches?

They are called featured snippets and feature highlighted snippets of pages with direct answers, in paragraph, list, or table form.

For the search experience, it's good news! After all, users need to take fewer steps to find what they want. 

But what about your traffic and results if they no longer need to visit your pages?

Calm. Featured snippets are a great opportunity to become the ultimate authority on a particular subject and attract the most clicks on the SERP, as the featured snippets also carry the link where they were taken from. 

Therefore, an on-page SEO strategy must also strive to conquer Google's “zero results”.

For that, there are some ways to optimize your content so that they are chosen by Google to become featured snippets.

EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)

This acronym came into the crosshairs of SEO professionals. EAT stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

Google adopts these words as guidelines for evaluating the quality of search results. 

They are presented in the document that guides the group of evaluators who carry out a manual analysis on the relevance of the results that the search engine is delivering.

Therefore, they also show what Google considers important for content to be considered quality : 

• The specialty of the content author;

• The authority of the author of the content, the content itself, and the website;

• The reliability of the author of the content, the content itself, and the website.

So follow these guidelines in your content and SEO strategy to align with what Google thinks. Meta description

The meta description is the description of the page's content that appears in the search results, within the snippet that also includes the page's title and URL.

It also works as an attraction for the user to click on the link and access the page, so it must be persuasive and descriptive about what he will find there.

However, the meta description is not a direct ranking factor, that is, Google does not consider this description for ranking. 

Even so, it is important that the keyword appears there, as it is bold when it matches the terms the user searched for. 

Thus, the meta description attracts more clicks, indirectly influencing your results.

So, this was an article on On-page SEO - An Advanced Guide to Rank on Google. I hope you found this article helpful, and if you have any doubt then feel free to ask questions in the comment sections below I'll be happy to assist you as soon as possible.

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