Reasons Why do New Bloggers Fail in Blogging with My Personal Experience

If you are reading this post then I would assume that you are failed in your blogging career till now, I'm talking about the current situation, not the future, so relaxed!

Well, I would like to say that 90% of new bloggers in the world starts with failure blogs, even me when I started my blogging career in February 2017, my first blog was related to a technology niche, that you may know is too competitive niche to rank for in google.

I worked on that blog for almost 1.1 years, but I didn't get results, so I just quit and left blogging in March 2018.

At the beginning of November 2018, I started to work again on that blog, even I earned 15$ till the ending of November 2018 from my ads revenue.

Again in December 2018, and till January 2019 I didn't even cross 40$, again I feel demotivated and quit again. But, working on that blog till January 2019, I understood two things.

First, That I was working on a high competition niche, so I didn't rank on google,

Second, blogging is a great career and I can make not a good passive income, but even a better livelihood from it. 

From February 2019, I started to get some knowledge about Blogging and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) till March 2021 (for more than 2.2 years), in that period I completed my Master of Commerce degree.

I run experiments on 5 different blogs and started gaining some experience and knowledge that what exactly I want to do to get my blog rank on google and a good amount of organic traffic.

But still, I didn't earn a single dollar as my prime target was to get as much knowledge and experience that I can.

Now in March 2021, I planned to start a new blog "" through which I can start earning some money as now I have experience as well as some knowledge about SEO and Blogging.

I decided to share articles related to SEO, Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, Make Money Online and Growth Strategies. In June 2020 end, I purchased the domain name and started working on it in July 2021.

I would like to say I started getting good results in the starting very few weeks, but not as much I expected, the reason is that again Blogging and SEO is a competitive niche to rank for.

Again I feel demotivated as I'm not getting results that I expected, but this time I didn't quit and tried to get more knowledge about it.

I planned to start a YouTube channel related to my blog "Blogging Raptor" in my native language "Hindi" and started working on it, you won't believe as of now (6th November 2021) almost 5 months from I started my channel.

And currently, I have 720 Subscribers, and I made my first 300$ from affiliate marketing through promoting web hosting and SEO tools, and also 1$ - 2$ every day from ads revenue on my blog.

I know these are not that great numbers, But I can take these numbers as motivation and you too also, these are the results of my hard work and patience.

I'm not that successful in blogging and earning thousands or lakhs of dollars every month like other successful bloggers all over the world. 

But I'm 100% sure I will achieve those results too in the coming future If I continued to work like this.

One more thing if you are reading this paragraph, just for your motivational purpose, when I completed 500 Subscribers on my Youtube channel, I felt too much motivated, and at that time I wrote a quote, yes a motivational quote that is-

Success Can Be Achieved By Anyone, Just By Following Two Words - Hard Work & Consistency - Shrey Kajaria

Now let's start our main topic Why do new bloggers fail in blogging?

So now I will share some points or you may say reasons of new bloggers behind quitting blogging, and what next they need to do to make their blogging career successful.

Reasons Why Bloggers Fail in Blogging

  • Writing Thin Content with Fewer words and texts
  • Giving up Too Easily
  • Working on High Competitive Niches
  • Not Investing in building some Authority
  • Lack of Keyword Research
  • Lack of Patience
  • Working Just Like Others
  • Not Writing or Sharing posts/articles Regularly
  • No or Lack of SEO knowledge
  • Not creating Unique Content
  • Only Aiming to Earn Money
  • Not Taking Blogging Seriously
  • Creating a Low-Value Content
  • Not Promoting Your Content
  • Ignoring Analytics and Not Tracking your Work.
  • Sharing Content with People who are not interested in it.
  • Not having a Good Design of your Website or Blog
  • Not Building Email/Subscriber List
  • Targeting a Wide Niche
  • Neglecting Social Media and Presence

That's all these are the main reasons why bloggers fail in blogging, I hope you understand all the points and my experience clearly.

If you found this article helpful then don't forget to share it with your blogger friends if they are struggling in their blogging career.

Thanks for reading!

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