Whole Life Insurance Policies By Family Benefit Life Insurance Company In The U.S 2022

Whole Life insurance policies by Family Benefit Life Insurance Company in the U.S.
Whole Life Insurance Policies By Family Benefit Life Insurance Company In The U.S 2022
Life insurance policies

First Whole Life Insurance

Life is full of changes. At every stage of life, we have new dreams, new plans, new financial challenges and goals. In order to provide protection in the changing life, there is life insurance.

Family Benefit Life Insurance Information


We are all responsible for providing adequate life insurance protection for those who depend on us. Life insurance is the cornerstone of your family's financial security. It can provide lifelong financial protection for the left-behind.

In its most basic form, life insurance provides security in the event of death. Like all insurance, life insurance can protect your family from the risk of financial bankruptcy. Provide your family members with the necessary funds to fulfill their financial obligations and make up for the loss of income caused by your death.

Buying life insurance is different from most other purchases. When you pay premiums, you are buying for your family or business the protection and financial security that only life insurance can provide.

The types of life insurance are divided into permanent insurance or term insurance. They both provide basic coverage but are suitable for different time periods. The cost of term life insurance is usually much lower than the cost of permanent insurance.

However, price should not be the deciding factor, but the safety of your family. Therefore, while weighing your needs and the benefits of each policy, take some time to read the details of each type of insurance.

Whole Life Insurance


Whole life insurance is the most basic type of whole life insurance. According to your age and health status, your premium will purchase a specific death benefit and generate a specific cash value. As long as you pay the premium, the cash value will be guaranteed throughout the life of the policy. Although the lifetime premium is higher than the regular premium, it is guaranteed that it will not increase. In the first few years, the premium/cost is usually higher than the term insurance, but if you continue to renew the insurance in the next few years, the premium/cost will be much lower than the cost for that term. Over time, whole life insurance will be cheaper than term insurance because the premium will not increase with age and the policy will increase the cash value.


People who:

You want to make sure that you have a life insurance policy that is valid for life. You prefer the high level of security provided by policy guarantees. They are attracted by the policy's ability to accumulate tax-deferred cash value. It will never increase.


Policy loans and withdrawals can give you a cash value. If you cancel the policy, the accumulated cash value is at your disposal. May be subject to tax. It is guaranteed that the premium will not increase during the validity period of the policy. The minimum death benefit is guaranteed. The cash value of the policy can be converted into cash or annuity. The cash value is guaranteed to grow at the specified minimum interest rate.

Some Drawbacks to Consider:

Premiums are initially more expensive than regular premiums, although they remain the same during the life of the policy. Unlike term insurance, whole life insurance does not provide any conversion options. Loans, withdrawals, and any unpaid loan interest generally reduce death benefits, which may leave the beneficiary. Insufficient protection.

Re-evaluate Your Needs

Once you have taken the steps to purchase life insurance, take time to reassess your needs regularly or when there are major changes in your life. Here are some reasons why you may need to reassess coverage:

Your family is growing. Started to take care of older relatives. Buy a house or business. Your income has changed.

Life insurance is a way to take care of your loved ones after you leave. Learn as much as you can before buying a policy. This will help ensure that your property and family receive the best protection you can afford.


Starting early can help reduce the cost of providing stable and reliable life insurance for your children and grandchildren. And, unlike term insurance, the First Whole Life plan builds up cash value over time, providing your loved ones with money that they can use in later life.


Taking care and supporting your family is one of the greatest joys in life; it also increases your responsibilities. To help you fulfill your obligations and protect the people and things that are most important to you, Family Welfare Life Insurance Company provides you with a whole life insurance policy, which contains options you can really use.


Unlike term life insurance, your Family Benefits Life Insurance Company’s First Whole Life insurance policy allows you to build a cash value that you can use to supplement your retirement fund. Your First Whole Life policy has guaranteed cash value, which you can annualize later to supplement your retirement income.


First Whole Life allows you to protect your wealth for your loved ones through tax-free benefits and mobility when you need it most.

Why First Whole Life…


Life insurance need not be complicated. At Family Benefit Life Insurance Company, we set out to design a product that is easy to understand but flexible enough to meet your needs.


To give you peace of mind, Family Benefit Life Insurance Company understands that you need guarantees.

Guaranteed death compensation
Regardless of your age or health, your denomination will not decrease.

Guaranteed Non-Cancelable

The non-cancellable insurance guaranteed by this policy can never be canceled when the predetermined premium has been paid.

Guaranteed Premiums

Your premium is guaranteed for life and will not increase regardless of your age or health status. First Whole Life can provide a lifetime premium plan (Life Pay) or a limited payment premium for 10 years (10 Pay) or a one-time payment (Single Pay). For a one-time, pay-as-you-go plan, the policy will be guaranteed for life at the end of the premium payment period.


When you encounter an anticipated opportunity or emergency, you can use the accumulated cash value of your First Whole Life policy...or supplement your retirement income.


If you pass away tomorrow, will your family have enough money to pay for funeral expenses, final medical expenses, legal expenses, or final expenses such as income tax and probate expenses? Can you pay the mortgage? You can choose the First Whole Life plan to help you achieve any of these goals.


Family Benefit Life Insurance Company knows that everyone's life insurance needs are unique. This is why we provide you with so many options to customize your First Whole Life insurance plan.


Because Family Welfare Life Insurance’s first-lifetime plan allows you to start building consistent cash value, the sooner you start, the more value you can accumulate, and the sooner your loved ones will know that you provide them with valuable protection.


The First Whole Life plan can help you:

Provide greater financial protection for your loved ones. Increase your retirement savings. Set a fixed life insurance premium for life. No matter how the health status of the insured subsequently changes. Be flexible and personalized Life insurance plans to meet your needs. Need


Your agent can help you choose the Family Benefits Life Insurance Company First Whole Life plan that best suits you and your needs. Ask your agent immediately for more information. The process is very simple. The results are gratifying. The entire first life...a life protected.

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