How to Find Low Competition Keywords? Advanced Keyword Research Checklist

Advanced Keyword Research Checklist - How to Find Low-Competition Keywords?

How to find low competition keywords? this is the most asked question from my blogger friends, that how to do keyword research? or is there any way through which they can find relevant and profitable keywords for their blogs and rank them higher in Google SERPs (Search Engine Results Page).

Well, Keyword Research is a wide concept and it takes a lot of effort and time to find the right, profitable, or you can say a money-making keyword.

But, it's not that difficult too. In earlier days finding the right keyword was a difficult task but on the other hand, there was not that much competition as compared to nowadays.

So, It's become compulsory to find some low competition keywords, so that we can rank higher on SERPs, and get more traffic which equals more leads/ sales.

That's why I'm writing this article to share my personal keyword research techniques with you all so that you can also find low-competition keywords for free, for your blogs and websites.

First of all, let us discuss what actually keyword research is?

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword Research is the way or a process of finding the right keywords or search terms for our blog, website, or YT channel, that individual people use in Search Engines, for example, Google, YouTube, Bing, and Yahoo Search.

So, you get an idea of what is keyword research, now let us discuss why it is important.

Why Keyword Research is Important?/ Importance of Keyword Research?

- You create the opportunity to rank well in search engines for that specific topic. High rankings in search engines drive traffic to your website, and in turn, allow you to promote your products/services online.

- Keyword Research impacts all of the other SEO work that you perform on your blog or website, like on-page SEO, email marketing, and content marketing.

Well, there are many more benefits of keyword research but these two are the main, and all others are connected to these two only.

So, before finding low-competition keywords, there is a thing that no one will share with you, and it is one of the most important factors while finding a good profitable keyword, which is search intent and its types.

So, first of all, we will discuss what is search intent.

What is Search Intent?

Search Intent means, what the user (visitor) exactly wants to get after searching a query on any search engine.

If you get to know what actually a user needs then it will be very easy for you to find relatable keywords to it, and use them on your blog or website.

But there are also different types of search intent that we will need to know before finding keywords. so let's discuss them too,

Different Types Of Search Intent

Basically, peoples say there are five types of Search Intent, but I would say that there are only four types of search intent that are important, which are - 

  • Informational Keywords
  • Navigational Keywords
  • Comparison Keywords
  • Transactional Keywords
So now let us know about these types of search intent in brief with the help of some examples.

1. Informational Keywords

Informational keywords are those keywords that a user search, just to find some information regarding any particular things, topics, or products.
Here the intent of the user is just to find some information related to a topic, product, or service.

let's see some examples of Informational Keywords-  How, What, Why, When, Where, or any Questions.

2. Navigational Keywords

Navigational Keywords are those keywords which the user already knows where he wants to go, but uses the search engine as a shortcut to get there. This happens, for example, when he types the name of a brand to get to her website.

let's see some examples of Informational Keywords- Brand, Product Or Service, Price of, Features or Specifications of,

3. Comparison keywords

Comparison Keywords are the keywords in which, the user already intends to purchase a certain product, but probably does not yet know where to buy it or would still like to do some research.

let's see some examples of Informational Keywords- And, or, Versus (Vs).

4. Transactional Keywords

Transactional Keywords are directed towards conversion after the user has already searched for information to solve their need.

let's see some examples of Informational Keywords- Buy, Subscribe, Sale, Apply, Download, Discounts, Coupons.

So, these are some types of Search Intent. Now let's jump into the main part of the keyword research process, which is how to find low competition keywords.

How to Find Low Competition Keywords?

So, the most awaited part of this article that is how to find low competition keyword.

Well, I will share my personal checklist in some points to tell you about this easily and fast.

Personal Keyword Research Checklist.

First of all, We will find our parent keyword or main keyword. 
For e.g- Make money online.

Second, We will find and create a list of helping keywords or you may say long-tail keywords which are related to our main keyword (that we find in the first step). For e.g- 
  • How to make money online for free, 
  • Different ways to make money online,
  • Best way to make money online for free in India (target your specific country)
Here you can easily see that our main keyword (How to make money online) is getting repeated.

Third, Now as we have created a list of helping keywords, the next step is to find the Keyword Difficulty (KD) or SEO Difficulty (SD) of those keywords. You can use tools like Ahref Keyword Generator or Ubersuggest to check the KD and SD of those keywords.
And If you are a beginner then I will suggest you select keywords that have KD or SD below  5 (less would be great!). 

Now the fourth step is one of the most important steps which no one will tell you, and if you skip this step, then even if you found a keyword with even 0 KD, then also you won't able to rank.

Fourth, After you find keywords with low KD or SD, now you will have to check out the current SERPs (Search Engine Results Page) for those keywords and you need to check the top 10 ranking sites if you found websites that have a good Domain Authority, and a good amount of backlinks, then skip that keyword and find other one till you won't get a right low competition keyword.

Fifth, After you check SERPs of those keywords, and found the right profitable keyword for your blog/article/website, just use those profitable keywords with proper SEO in your articles.

That's All, But not yet it might sound easy, but when you perform these steps or tasks, it takes a good amount of patience, big keyword researchers, bloggers, and affiliate marketers spend weeks even a month just to find a single right profitable keyword for their blog or business.

So, this was an article on How to Find Low Competition Keywords. I hope you found this article helpful, and if you have any doubt then feel free to ask questions in the comment sections below I'll be happy to assist you as soon as possible.

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